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Ontario Funding Scouts Canada Environmental Project at
Camp Attawandaron

June 25, 2024
Province investing $52,000 to support restoration of critically endangered Oak Savanna.

PORT FRANKS — The Ontario government is providing nearly $52,000 to Scouts Canada to help restore the Oak Savanna at Camp Attawandaron, in Lambton Shores. Oak Savanna is a globally rare ecosystem that exists between prairie grassland and oak woodland.

“By taking the initiative to protect this incredibly rare and beautiful Oak Savanna, Scouts Canada is inspiring another generation of youth to become stewards of their environment,” said Andrea Khanjin, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. “This project is another great example of how the Ontario Community Environment Fund is helping community groups use their local ecological knowledge and expertise to make a difference.”

Scots pines, which were planted in the area decades ago, are now known to be invasive and are quickly overtaking the natural oak habitat. This project aims to restore the area to its natural biodiversity, which will include the planting of native trees and shrubs and removing some of the existing Scots pines.


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